When in a crisis, I’ve seen a troubling pattern in myself. The enemy comes with a forecast of storms ahead to create a natural fear in me. I call on the Lord desperately, and the Spirit of the Lord immediately issues a counterintelligence report – ‘this storm does not have the power to destroy you or erode the foundation of your soul’. At that moment, like many of us, I choose to believe God’s word and stand on His promise. It makes me feel good and tingly inside, and I testify to everyone that I am going to overcome.
Then one day, the first set of waves hit. Initially, I cling to the promise and continue to stand. As the storm intensifies to hurricane force, all of a sudden, I realize that the lights have gone out. I’m so fatigued that I’m barely praying or reading the word. The waves are beating hard against the foundation of my home and fear rears its ugly head again. Since God operates in an atmosphere of faith all of a sudden, I can’t hear from Him and I begin to panic. Now I’m calling everyone, anyone who will respond. I need to hear from God, but it seems He is at home to everyone but me. Satan doesn’t have to do anything but stand back and watch me create my own confusion… Can anyone relate?
Fortunately, our weapons are not made with human hands. The Lord remembers that I am dust and cannot do this on my own. He is there, He never left. I can’t see Him in the dark or hear Him over the roar of the waters, but He never leaves us nor forsakes us. The Lord has an ace up His sleeves because the battle really belongs to Him. He is hidden in me; the Holy Spirit, (the Parakletos) resides in me as my constant companion. In a moment of quiet, sometimes as I sleep, the still small voice reminds me to stop looking at the size of the waves and to look to Jesus. A scripture, a snatch of a song, an inspirational text, something, anything. The Holy Spirit gets my attention and forces me to look only unto Jesus and suddenly, my soul is flooded with peace and relief! I see the Lord, high and lifted up. I see myself seated next to Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, far above all principalities and powers. I realize that though humanly speaking, it seems like the enemy and his demons are big, bad monsters clawing away at the very foundation of my soul – yet, they are merely shadow puppets cleverly contrived to look real.
I laugh nervously, as I realize how foolish I must look. Here I am, complete in Christ, which is the head of all principality and power, why should I fear minions of hell? Colossians 2:10. It doesn’t matter what I’ve lost in the process, according to God’s word, I already have everything that pertains to both life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and God plans to restore to me ‘all things’ anyway!
So, I get back on my knees and read the word, review my journal and reclaim God’s promises. I confess my sin of unbelief – you see, I never doubted that God will win, but I took my eyes off Him and started walking by sight and so I fell into unbelief. Thankfully, I believe that I’m recovering faster each time the enemy comes in like a flood. Well, He does not leave us alone to test us, He will come even before we answer, and the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a flood as a standard to drown out the enemy. Thanks be to God, who causes us always to triumph in Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 11:6 2 Corinthians 10:4
Matthew 28:20 Hebrews 13:5
1 Samuel 17:47 John 14:16
Hebrews 12:2 Ephesians 2:6
Colossians 2:10 2 Peter 1:3
Acts 3:21 2 Corinthians 2:14