As we look back on the year 2020, many people saw their fair share of trouble. There was a global pandemic, racial unrest, unemployment, economic volatility, an election, etc. And that does not include individual issues of the day. When we are going through troubling times, it always feels like things will never change. Sometimes we even begin to worry about what else can go wrong. Yet, life is in seasons that ebb and change, and nothing in life lasts forever - no matter how it feels in the moment. The key is to persevere and not give in to the fear that threatens to swamp us, causing us to overthink things and to overreact.
Fear is at the root of most overreactions to any threat to our well being, real or perceived. Fear masquerades as many things, including anger, anxiety, worry, jealousy, etc. Unchecked, fear can paralyze, and in extreme cases, become debilitating. It's those unknown, 'vain' imaginations; its all those things that can go wrong - our past experiences and horror stories we've been fed. The Bible warns that fear has torment, and psychologists agree. Fear can open the door to the devil, creating a break in our hedge of protection. Job said, 'the thing I feared the most came upon me'. But the Bible is also clear that perfect love casts out fear. God is Love. He is perfect love, and if you let Him into the situation, He will cast out the fear. If you believe God and trust Him, you have no reason to fear.
In the Bible, 2 Kings 4:8-37 tells the story of a Shunammite woman who set up a guest room for Elisha, a prophet of God. In turn, he promised she would have a son by the same time next year - and she did. A few years later, the son had a headache, and the worst tragedy happened - he died in his mother's arms. She laid him down on the guest room couch and went to see the prophet. He brought the boy back to life and returned him to his mother.
On her way there, the woman refused to express any adverse reactions, even to her husband. Instead, she gave a measured, disciplined response. She kept insisting, "all is well."
All is well because:
Words matter. The Shunammite did not want to say anything negative. The more we talk about negative things, the worse everything will seem. It creates a gloomy atmosphere. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21. If you have nothing nice to say, as the adage goes, say nothing at all.
Why magnify the problem by sharing it with people who can't do anything to help? Man's help is limited - if someone won't pray with you, don't tell them your troubles. Vain is the help of man. Psalm 60:11 KJV When distraught, don't spread your problem abroad. You don't need to give your haters more ammunition.
God calls things that are not as though they are. Romans 4:7 In our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we have the same creative ability. Speak to create the world you want to live. Matthew 21:21-22 Focus on the outcome you want and pray for it believing, and you shall receive it.
How do we overcome the fear and start to believe that 'all is well'? By “looking unto Jesus as the Author and the Finisher of our faith." Hebrews 12:2 i.e.
Focus on the Lord as the problem solver instead of focusing on the issues.
Resist the fear and keep doubt at bay.
Don't give in to the fear of man - it causes a snare.
Shut down the many voices.
Meditate on the word of God, especially promises that apply to the situation.
Are you facing dead dreams or struggling with fear today? Have you lost hope, or are you worried about the unknown future? Turn to Jesus and trust in God - He promises to help you, and He won't leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13: 5,6 You can confidently say, 'all is well!.'